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Life Holistic Frequency and Sacred Flames Analysis©

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Dr. Anthony V. Wojnar, D.D., RMT, OBT, creator of the Life Holistic Frequency and Sacred Flames Analysis system, has been a spiritual seeker for over 40 years. He has been a Reiki Teacher and Practitioner with humans and animals, a Tai Chi teacher, a Qigong teacher, and Shiatsu practitioner. Dr. Wojnar is also a student and teacher of the Seven Sacred Flames spiritual path. He is also involved in a heart-based ministry as a Minister and Chaplin.


Measurement System Overview


From his studies, Dr. Wojnar has learned that although we are composed of many types of frequencies, there are three that seem to be the most critical to our progress on the path toward ascension, and it is these three that we can influence by the things that we do. These are the Spiritual Frequency, the Soul Frequency and the Physical Frequency. The Spiritual Frequency is the vibration associated with your spiritual body and will always be higher than, or the same as, the Soul Frequency. The Soul Frequency is the vibration associated with your soul, and it can be increased or decreased as a result of life choices and experiences. The Physical Frequency is the vibration associated with your physical body. It can also be increased or decreased depending on what you are doing and how you are living. From a frequency point of view, we are ready for ascension when all three of these frequencies are high enough. Frequencies are also associated with dimensions i.e. 3rd, 4th, etc.


So how does this work? At the time you were born, you had specific levels of each of these three frequencies. As you progress on your life path, the levels of each of these frequencies change according to what you are experiencing, and how you are living your life. The frequencies can increase (desirable) or decrease (undesirable) depending on what you are doing at the time. The ancients encouraged us to follow a path leading to self-realization or enlightenment. Such a path necessarily leads to increases in the Soul and Physical frequencies.


Note: We can go on incarnation after incarnation with the same Spiritual frequency. It is only when the Soul frequency reaches the Spiritual frequency that the two can increase together from that point forward.


While Dr. Wojnar recognized that each of these aspects has a characteristic frequency, those frequencies were not measurable by the tools we commonly use. However after meditating on this, he was guided by the Holy Spirit to find another tool. In his research, Dr. Wojnar encountered a tool called "Muscle Testing", together with a special scale used for assigning numerical values to the Physical, Spiritual and Soul frequencies assessed by this tool.


Note: The one performing the testing must maintain the highest integrity to ensure reliability in the answer. "Muscle Testing" without going into a neutral place and connecting with God's Mind would be a futile exercise.


The scale he uses is a logarithmic scale from 1 to 1000, that was developed Dr. David Hawkins, psychiatrist and author of the book Power vs. Force. Dr. Hawkins has been researching muscle testing and the use of this scale for at least 30 years. Dr. Hawkins also proposed a classification scheme for these values called the "Map of Consciousness," which tests Soul Frequency. On this scale, values above 200 are considered positive and nurturing. Values between 700 and 1000 are associated with enlightenment.


Dr. Wojnar's research also showed that the frequencies are related to dimensions. He has determined that this scale covers up to the 7th dimension. To put this upper region into perspective, an Ascended Master Light Body measures at least 955. As a point of reference, Jeshua (Jesus) measures 1001. Therefore placement of the three frequencies on this relative scale provides a person with an objective measure of where he or she is, in terms of their spiritual development. It also provides a tool for monitoring progress over time.


Now that he had a measurement system to work with, Dr. Wojnar was called by the Holy Spirit to use this system to assign numerical values to the vibration of each of those characteristics, (Spiritual Frequency, Soul Frequency and Physical Frequency) for a client, and then to use that information to provide the client with a plan for increasing his or her frequencies, if the client desires. Follow up sessions can then be scheduled to monitor progress over time. This tool works equally well in person, or at a distance, preferably using a photograph.


Dr. Wojnar uses muscle testing to gain insights into God's mind to determine which of the Seven Sacred Flames of God corresponds to a person's Original Flame (the Monad to which he or she will ultimately return). He uses the same process to determine the Primary and Secondary Flames that we each are supposed to be working on in this lifetime, as part of our preparation for ascension.


Dr. Wojnar teaches that many positive activities can be used to increase the Soul and Physical Frequencies and, potentially, the Spiritual Frequency. The great news is that once you are aware of the frequencies that you have right now, you can take steps to increase them if you want to proceed on your path toward enlightenment and ascension. Further, you can monitor progress along the way if you feel the need for an independent assessment of where you are. His assessment also includes recommendations for frequency-increasing activities such as meditations corresponding to the Primary and Secondary Flames, which can be read from the book Seven Sacred Flames, or listened to using the companion CD, as well as repetitions of the White Flame Pranayama energy breathing set. He also encourages learning Reiki and developing a daily Reiki practice of self-healing and working with others to support their healing.


In addition to the focused study of the Primary and Secondary Flames, Dr. Wojnar recommends following a daily routine of working with the Sacred Flame assigned for that day, via a meditation and prayers, as well as a daily commitment to surrender to the Will of God and to release those things that are holding you back.


All of the activities mentioned above will contribute to increases in both the Soul and Physical frequencies. Physical activities such as Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong, when properly practiced, can also help increase the Physical Frequency. Meditations such as Kriya Yoga, and acts of selfless service, can also help increase the Soul Frequency.


There are two additional assessments that Dr. Wojnar can provide. One is an assessment of the number of DNA strands that are currently activated, and the other is the height of the Heart Flame.


The last thing we test is how much Karma a person has balanced.


Note: This analysis will be kept confidential unless written permission is received from the person for whom it was prepared.


Please contact Dr. Wojnar for additional information, or to get an assessment click one of the links below:

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2016 Voice America Interview with Anthony
2015 Voice America Interview with Anthony

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Rev. Dr. Anthony V. Wojnar D.D., is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Meditation and Qi Gong Instructor

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Life Holistic Center LLC - PO Box 11 - Mountain Top, Pa. 18707 - 570.706.6680